Sunday, June 30, 2013

{Week 31}

There's been lots of changes and excitement in the Bruce house.

First, Zack is finished Residency! woo-hoo! I'm so terribly proud of my amazingly smart husband. He's spent a lot of time and dedication over the past 3 years (and many years before), and he deserves all the accolades. We had a great weekend of parties, massages, and quality time. The residency program made a congratulatory video for him, which was super cute and a lot of fun ( I hope to be able to post it soon).

Second, Baby Bruce is REALLY growing. At our last growth scan, our little buddy weighed in at 3 lbs 10 oz. That's almost 1 pound more that "normal range" and considered in the 90th percentile for growth.

Thirdly, we're finally made a little headway on the nursery. So far we have a crib, dresser/changer, curtains, walls painted and an idea of bedding. I think we're going with a gray, white and very pale yellow. I can't wait to have a finished product, all set up, organized and ready for the little one.

In other news, I had 2 baby showers. One hosted by my wonderful MIL, and the other by my wonderful friends at work. We received lots of baby goodies, and I've been super occupied playing with our new "toys."

I'm going to try to upload pictures soon as soon as I have some free time.

 Whew! Lots to do before baby arrives. 8 weeks and counting...