Friday, July 19, 2013

{Week 33 - Grandparents are Special people}

It's hard to believe that its been almost 3 weeks since Paw Paw Jerry went to be with the Lord. I am thankful for the 28 years I was able to share with him, and for everything I learned from him - the importance of hard work, using your talents and having multiple interests in life. He definitely was a modern day Renaissance Man.

His passing gave me the opportunity to reflect and be thankful for my remaining grandparents. I hold both of my grandmothers in the highest esteem. Maw Maw Loretta (my mom's mom) helped raise me. She picked me up from school, taught me how to cook at a very young age and basically toted me around town for most of my childhood. We were inseparable when I was growing up, and now that she's older, I see it as my job to take care of her the way she took care of me. Maw Maw Mary (my dad's mom) gave me the greatest love for creative baking and confections, crafting, having fun and making jokes and writing (she sends the sweetest notes). I'm so lucky to have amazing grandparents, and I know our children will have the same.

Grandparents are special people, and their job is to help supplement a child's life with an overabundance of love and lessons. Our child to come and future children are lucky to have 4 wonderful grandparents who are healthy and will hopefully be around for a long, long time. Each of the grandparents bring a special quality and zest that I'm thrilled for them to share with our children. I see my father in law as being the "poppee" that sets a Godly example for our kids and teaches them about their cajun heritage, my mother in law "monee" is super nurturing and will always make sure our kid has enough - whether it is food, clothes, toys, love, etc. My dad "Paw Paw" is very energetic and I see him being the Paw Paw that shoots a basketball in the driveway for hours (he did that with my brother) or loads up the car and takes a random road trip, and last but not least, my mom "maw maw" is fun loving, and I see her teaching our children the ability to have fun, be silly and not take life too seriously.

I can't wait for our little baby to arrive to meet Zack and I and everyone that will love him or her (our friends, family, Pierre) We have 31 days until "Go Live Date". I still have lots to do to prepare for baby, so I better get to it!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jada! My name is Heather and I wanted to know if you could answer my question I have about your blog! Please email me at Lifesabanquet1(at)gmail(dot)com :-)
