Friday, January 18, 2013

{we're expecting!}

2012 ended on a high note when Zack and I found out we were pregnant 2 days before Christmas :). It was the best.present.EVER!

As of today, I am 8 weeks 4 days pregnant. I plan to track my pregnancy highlights so I have something to remember in the future. The fetal brain drain is killer - and it's only 8 weeks!

How far along: 8 weeks 4 days
Anticipated date of arrival: August 26, 2013
Total weight gain/loss: nothing yet
Miss anything: My morning cup of coffee - so very, very missed.
Movement: Nothing I can feel, but I did see Baby's t-rex arm nubs moving in the ultrasound! It was really sweet.
Food cravings: Kleinpeter plain vanilla ice cream
Food aversions: Almost everything (depending on the day) - sometimes even the thought of certain foods makes me feel sick.
Showing yet: Nope - but I'm ready to have a belly
Shout-outs: to my husband,without you, we wouldn't be having a baby, and to Christmas parties, the reason why do many people have August birthdays! Ha.

Coming soon: 12 week ultrasound and baby bump tracker!

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