Wednesday, March 20, 2013

{hey, hey pretty baby}

I know I haven't posted since my first post. Now that I'm past the 1st trimester, and well into my 2nd, I have new found energy, and commit to documenting the rest of my pregnancy.

Zack and I recently celebrated our 2 year anniversary on March 12. It was very special because not only are we celebrating 2 years of a wonderfully successful marriage, but we also have a soon to be new addition to our family. We received the best anniversary present because my checkup was scheduled for March 12, and we got to see Baby Bruce via ultrasound.

It's amazing how much the baby grows between ultrasounds. After this last photo shoot, I really think we're going to have a cool kid.

In the first shot of our baby, he/she was propped up with his/her legs crossed at the ankles and hand behind the head - just chillin in mama's belly.

In the second shot - a great profile view he/she was waving at the camera! Zack and I are both camera shy, but Baby Bruce seems to love the camera already.

How far along: 17 weeks 2 days
Anticipated date of arrival: August 26, 2013
Bump: The bump is steady growing. If I get brave enough, I'll add a bump picture soon!
Clothing: My sweet mother in law bought me some maternity pieces. I can't wait to wear them, but I'm holding on to my regular clothing for now. I know once you go maternity, there's no turning back.
Miss anything: I miss sleeping. Baby Bruce and hormones are keeping me awake at night.
Movement: YES!!!! I started feeling movement Sunday night.
Sweet treat of the week: Chocolate Marscarpone Mousse. It's delicious.
Food aversions: Not really. I'll pretty much eat anything in sight.
Exercise: I'm trying to stay fit and healthy with cardio training 3-4 days per week, lots of stretching and functional training using core strength and therabands.
Shout-outs: Zack - thanks for 2 wonderful years of marriage, and I look forward to many, many more.

Coming soon! - Another ultrasound (scheduled in April) and nursery planning.

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