Sunday, March 31, 2013

{2nd Trimester Boredom Busters}

We're at week 18 and counting. The counting is going very slowly. I never realized how boring the 2nd trimester would be for us. We're past the excitement of telling everyone we love our big news, but the countdown to birthday seems so far away.

In my bored state, I've come up with a few 2nd trimester boredom busters.

1. Start nursery planning. Zack and I have been scouting cribs. So far we've visited BabiesRUs and Pottery Barn. We haven't found "the one" yet. However, we do have one piece of furniture for the baby nursery. It's a beautiful dresser from Discoveries in Hammond. For those who may not know,  Discoveries has very unique, rustic statement pieces. To view their stuff click here.

Baby Bruce's New Vintage Dresser - which will also double as a changing table.

2. Buy Stuff for the baby. We're not finding out gender, and I'm not a huge fan of most shades of yellow or green, but we have been purchasing outfits for Baby Bruce.

3. Argue with your husband about baby names (jokingly, of course). Between Zack and I, we've vetoed any names after cities, towns, states, celestial beings or anything ending in a "y" or "ie" sound. The baby name game  may keep us busy up until the baby is born!

How far along: 18 weeks 6 days
Bump: I'm very much bumping! I went to bed one night with no bump, and the next morning it looked like I swallowed a melon.
Clothing: I've retired my jeans, and I'm almost ready to bust out the maternity gear!
Miss anything: Not really.
Movement: YES!!!! Only when I'm very still, but the baby is definitely moving.
Sweet treat of the week: Since it's Easter, I think I've eaten my weight in Peanut Butter Eggs.
Food aversions: It changes daily.
Shout-outs: My parents and Zack's parents. Thanks for buying Baby Bruce's first piece of furniture. You guys are the best grandparents ever.

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