Sunday, April 14, 2013

{hallelujah, we're halfway!}

This week, we're halfway through pregnancy. We've made it 20 weeks!  Baby Bruce made it halfway!

We had our 2nd trimester ultrasound, and he/she is looking BEAUTIFUL. Zack was able to get the afternoon off to see our baby, and even the Grandma's were able to take a peak at their future grand baby.

We also started working on the spare bedroom. For the last 2 years this room has been a junk room filled with things we didn't really want to get rid of yet didn't really have a purpose. Finally, this room has a purpose, and it will become the baby's room.

We decided to go with a light beige for the room. Since we're not finding out baby's gender, it's the easiest color to accessorize around. Most of our house is painted in deep, rich colors, so choosing beige was out of my comfort zone.

Zack did most of the painting because he's super protective about me being around smells, chemicals, etc. I think he's suffering from a post painting hangover, and prays that we don't ever paint another room in this house!

{Phase I - going from dark tan to a very light beige}

{Phase II - first coat}

{Phase III - second coat's done!}
There will be a Phase IV because we need to do trim work, my favorite!
Making Progress:
How far along: 20 weeks and 6 days
Total Weight gain: 10 lbs
Movement: YES!!!! The movements are becoming more and more frequent. We have a kicker who also likes to party all night.
Belly: I still look like I ate too many carbs, but it's definitely starting to pop. I'm in the awkward phase, and I'm ready for the belly to pop to avoid all the "oh, you're pregnant - I thought you looked bigger" ha!
Looking forward to: Baby hiccups
Cravings: Zack and I have been trying to eat clean, but I gave in last night. My supper consisted of On the Borders chips and salsa, watermelon and a cup of cookies and cream ice cream.

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