Sunday, April 28, 2013

{Pregnancy Hormones Ain't nobody got time fa dat!}

So, I never realized how cray cray pregnancy could make one feel. It's definitely a roller coaster of emotions, but it will all be worth it in the end once the baby is here. I owe Zack a big present for dealing with me the past 22 weeks, and for the next 18!!

Speaking of 22, we're 22 weeks along!

This week the baby is the size of a spaghetti squash.

Total weight gain: I've been retaining lots of water the past few weeks, but my overall weight gain is 11 lbs.
Maternity clothes: I bought a few more pairs of pants which I'm loving. I think I can get away with most of my tops. I also purchased a Bella Band - which has been amazing.
Stretch marks: None yet, I'm staying heavily moisturized, and I started making my own soap to reduce exposure to chemicals that may dry out skin.
*My soap recipe is listed below.
Movement: Lots and lots of movement. It's so special, and I love feeling every little kick and flutter.
Belly button in or out: It's in a weird position - not totally in and not out - it looks wild!
Looking forward to: My next OB appointment - scheduled for May 2.
Best Moment: Zack and I started a tradition this week. Every night one of us has to pick a song to sing to the baby, the other person can not judge or change the song choice and we have to sing the song in it's entirety from start to finish. So far, we've sung the following:
I knew I loved you before I met you - Savage Garden - Zack's choice (no judgment -ha!)
Mirrors - Justin Timberlake - my choice
Home - Michael Buble and Blake Shelton duet  - Zack's choice
I think we're going to sing Home by Phillip Phillips tonight - my choice

We didn't get to complete a full week due to Zack's on-call schedule, but I'll post the songs we sing as we go through rest of pregnancy. It's pretty funny because both of us are terrible singers, but its good for the baby to hear our voice, and I'm sure he/she doesn't mind.  Baby Bruce really enjoyed the music in church today - especially How Great Thou Art - there was lots of "praise kicking" during that song :)

*Homemade Soap Recipe:

16 ounces of glycerin (glycerin is a great soap base. Its also an excellent skin moisturizer, promotes skin elasticity and promotes skin regeneration for any bruising or swelling of the skin. It's also best for people with sensitive skin and babies/children.)
1/2 cup oatmeal (I use Quaker oats)
2 tablespoons local honey
a few drop of your favorite essential oil (I use lavender)

Melt glycerin on low heat setting- don't stir too often or the soap will become waxy. It take about 10-15 minutes to melt on the stove.

Once the soap is melted, stir in honey and essential oil.

Stir in oatmeal. Because of the weight of the oatmeal, it will sink. Wait a few minutes for the oatmeal to become suspended before pouring into a soap mold or pan. I prefer to use a soap mold (my mom gave me a set of oval and square molds that work really well - you can purchase a soap mold at a local craft store).

Let the soap sit out over night before removing from the mold.

After 24 hours, remove the soap, wrap individually with either craft paper or cling wrap, and store in a cool, dry place. Enjoy it, and share with your friends and family!

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