Thursday, May 2, 2013

{Old wives club}

I'm obsessed with Old Wives Tales. I've pretty much tried everything from the Chinese Gender Predictor to the over the belly ring swing. Here are my results:

1. Low vs. High: Apparently, if you carry low, it's a boy, and if you carry high it's a girl. I can't really tell if I'm high or low, but here's a shot of the belly - to me my belly seems middle of the road (not too high, not too low).

2. Lub dub: Legends say that the pitter patter of the baby's heart rate can also be used to predict gender. Faster means girl, and slower means boy. When we went to our first ultrasound, the heart rate was 171 BPM. At my last visit the heart rate was 145, so it went from really fast, to slow.

3. Sweet Thing: I'm craving watermelon (which equates to girl), but I also want chips (which equates to boy).

4. Zack's belly: This wives tale is a bit strange, but fun. If your husband gains weight, you're having a girl. If he doesn't gain weight, you're having a boy. Zack actually lost weight. I wonder what that means?? Maybe we're having a stormtrooper (Zack would love that - shout out to Star Wars day on May 4th)!

While the wives tales are fun for trying to predict gender, I'm certain there's a 50/50 chance we're having a girl or a boy!


How far along: 23 weeks and 3 days
Weight gain: 12 lbs
Stretch marks: Nope!
Belly out: Yes, and belly button is still looking weird. I love when people rub my belly especially when it's sweet older ladies who also usually share advice concerning the height of my shoe heel, local anesthesia and/or my decision to breast feed.
Cravings: Watermelon. Hydrating, with a low glycemic load. I'd say its a winner!
Looking forward to: Going to the beach next week. It will be Baby Bruce's first beach trip :)
Miss anything: My skinny jeans, but it's a small price to pay for a really big reward.
Songs we're singing to baby this week:
Home - Phillip Phillips - My pick
Jack Johnson Medley- Better Together (extra special because it was our wedding song), Upside Down, Banana Pancakes (favorite lyric "Halaka ukulele mama made a baby") -  Zack's pick

Coming soon: Beach trip, hospital tours and pediatrician shopping.

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