Tuesday, May 28, 2013

{Third Trimester - the home stretch}

It's the third trimester; the 7th inning (month) stretch! We're more than excited, and looking forward to the big reveal. Baby is seriously growing, and I actually had a random stranger ask me if I was carrying twins (I mentally vowed to NEVER wear the outfit I was wearing again!)

Baby Updates:

Baby is 27 weeks old, and the size of a cauliflower.

Here's an image of what baby may look like at this time, the only exception is that our baby is not in this position.

Picture of your developing baby

Belly circumference: 34 inches and growing.

Total weight gain: When I weigh in the morning, I've gained 15 lbs. I'm starting to retain a lot of fluid, so my weight fluctuates about 3-5 pounds throughout the course of the day.

Cravings: Still watermelon. In fact, I think I've single-handedly influenced the pricing strategy for watermelon at Albertson's (I hit up the store 3-4 times a week for watermelon, and they've gone up $1 on their melon).

Weird Stuff: Lots of weird stuff happening in the past few weeks. I've never been one to remember my dreams at night; however, every night I'm having crazy dreams. It mostly involves baby stuff or family stuff, and the dreams are usually very, very unrealistic. I also have been flip flopping between being completely disgusted by food to being completely ravenous and eating like an 18 year old boy. I often regret my 18 year old boy food binges because my stomach doesn't have much room to grow, and I get really uncomfortable afterwards.

My wishes for the last trimester: Too many to list! Nesting has kicked in full force, and I'm totally OCD. Unfortunately, my obsessiveness tends to gravitate towards organizing the freezer, rearranging the laundry room, cleaning out my car or making lists. I REALLY need to get to work on the baby room!

I'm most looking forward to: A parenting ABC's class with Zack in 2 weeks. The thought of Zack and I learning to change diapers, feed, burp, bathe, etc., makes me laugh so much. It should be interesting especially since we're both insanely competitive. I'm sure there will be bets taken as to who can change the fastest diaper (I'll win!).

I'm most nervous about: Our birth plan. Bringing a new life into the world is scary business. I'm working on my "game day" play list which hopefully will help to take the edge off.

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