Sunday, May 19, 2013

{Week 25}

The baby is growing by leaps and bounds. I definitely feel a lot more movement (especially when I'm still - which isn't very often). According to our weekly Baby Center update, Baby Bruce is the size of a rutabaga  (huh?).

(a rutabaga)

Since this is not a veggie common to our diets, we'll just say Baby is supposed to be little over a pound; however, I went to my bi-weekly appointment for a quick ultrasound. The little buddy actually weighs 2.2 lbs. according to our last scan. If he/she keeps growing a this rate, I may give Herman Johnson's mama a run for her money (do we have a future LSU football offensive lineman??? - anything could happen).

We're progressing:

Weeks: 25!

Weight gain: 14 pounds (in my defense, we went on vacation last week. I ate trashy, but it was totally worth it.)

Sleep: We bought a Sleep Number bed, so sleep has been much better and much more comfortable.

Belly Button: Almost out!

Labor signs: I think I felt my first Braxton hicks contraction yesterday.

Accomplishments: I finished my registry and we ordered the crib. Woo-hoo! I can't wait to start setting up the nursery (I'll post pictures of our progress).  We also toured the Woman's Hospital L&D, pre-op/post-op and recovery today, so I feel totally comfortable with the birthing process.

Goals for the week: We get to meet a potential pediatrician! I'm very much looking forward to finding a great doctor for Baby.

What we're singing:
Zack and I had a lot of road trip time in the last week, so we've been singing to baby A LOT. Below are the songs I remember.

Florida Georgia Line - Cruise
Macklemore - Can't Hold Us
Vanilla Ice - Ice, Ice Baby
Sheryl Crow - Soak up the sun (my mom got in on the action on that one)
Free - All right now (I was rocking out to that one this afternoon). Every time I hear this song, it makes me feel like I should be at a wedding reception.
Coming Soon - Nursery prep!

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