Monday, April 15, 2013


Yesterday marked the official closing of Baton Rouge's only charity hospital system - Earl K. Long {lovingly referred to as EKL, aka. "the earl"}.

EKL means a lot of things to a long list of people including former patients, prisoners, medical staff, residents and the Baton Rouge community. Zack has made this hospital a second home (sometimes spending more time there than at home - all for good reason) over the past 3 years. He always came back with the most entertaining stories, but my favorite EKL story is OUR story.

In 2009, Zack was in his 4th year of med school at LSU New Orleans. As part of his med school requirements, he was to spend most of his 4th year rotating though different residency programs as an Acting Intern (AI). During this time he and I (through a series of events - another story for another day, let's just say we wouldn't be married if Zack hadn't made a seemingly offensive comment and I hadn't chosen to "put him on blast" about it) had been having back and forth communication.

In October 2009, lucky for me, Zack did an AI medicine month at EKL. Lucky for me again, while he was in BR we also decided to have coffee at one of my favorite places.

Coffee Call on College, Dr. 

We really hit it off and had an ease of communication that I rarely find with anyone else. We spent the rest of his month in BR hanging out as friends when we were available and getting to know each other. He moved away for a few months, and all the while, we kept up communication, met a halfway points, and continued to develop an awesome friendship. During this time Zack had been interviewing basically all over the country for a residency. In my mind I had psyched myself up  to believe that I would be road tripping to visit my friend, who was more than a friend, in Jacksonville, Birmingham or Rochester.

In March 2013, we went to Match Day - I refer to it as one of the best days ever. I'm typically not a person who focuses on the importance of days, but Match Day was one of those pivotal days I now use to measure life before and after. It was the day that sealed our relationship and allowed us to live out the rest of our lives.

Match Day is the day 4th year medical students find out where they're going to residency training for the next 3+ years. Having never participated in a ceremony like this before, I found it quite interesting. Basically, we were in a room full of family and friends of everyone in Zack's graduating class, and one by one (it's so torturous) each med student was called up and handed an envelope. Inside the envelop is the name of the place where the student will go to residency (there's a tedious process leading up to this, but I'll spare the details).

Never in all of humanity has anyone ever been more excited to hear the words "I'm going to Baton Rouge, I'm going to Earl K. Long" than me! When Zack opened his envelope, I felt like the kid on Christmas Story who finally got the Red Ryder BB Gun.

After Match Day, our relationship kicked into high gear, and we went from "more than friend, friends" to dating to engaged a lightening speed - looking back it was very fast, but when you know, you know. My husband in all his nostalgia asked me to marry him after we ate beignets at the Coffee Call - the spot of our first "meet up." How cute, and not predictable - in fact I had my hair in a messy bun, nasty old shorts on and no make up, but the most beautiful ring on my finger and the most handsome man in my life.

A year to the date past Match Day (+/- a few days) we were married, and settled into life together.
Then one day Zack said "why don't we have a baby." My first response was "because we're not baby people." Followed by "we barely have time for things we need to do now" Followed by "you're a Resident and I'm a young professional = we're poor- Ha!"   After some coercing, we decided to go with it and started "trying." After about 8-10 months of "trying" we decided to put the idea on hold and focus on other goals. Plus we have the cutest little dog, Pierre, our daschund terrier who purposed himself as our pet/child.

My mom always told me, "when you least expect things, that's when things happen." Well, that statement came true. I'm not sure if the holiday cheer of the EKL Christmas party made magic happen, but about 3 weeks after that party we found out we were pregnant.

And here we are now...

Without the LSU/Baton Rouge IM residency program, who knows where Zack and I would be now.  We've never been happier or luckier, and can't wait spend the next 1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 80 years continuing to write this story.

Sorry for the long post, but I want to remember this to be able to share with our baby and I forget things easily.

{RIP EKL, "the earl", "the 2 tin cans",  and the setting for our story}

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