Friday, July 19, 2013

{Week 33 - Grandparents are Special people}

It's hard to believe that its been almost 3 weeks since Paw Paw Jerry went to be with the Lord. I am thankful for the 28 years I was able to share with him, and for everything I learned from him - the importance of hard work, using your talents and having multiple interests in life. He definitely was a modern day Renaissance Man.

His passing gave me the opportunity to reflect and be thankful for my remaining grandparents. I hold both of my grandmothers in the highest esteem. Maw Maw Loretta (my mom's mom) helped raise me. She picked me up from school, taught me how to cook at a very young age and basically toted me around town for most of my childhood. We were inseparable when I was growing up, and now that she's older, I see it as my job to take care of her the way she took care of me. Maw Maw Mary (my dad's mom) gave me the greatest love for creative baking and confections, crafting, having fun and making jokes and writing (she sends the sweetest notes). I'm so lucky to have amazing grandparents, and I know our children will have the same.

Grandparents are special people, and their job is to help supplement a child's life with an overabundance of love and lessons. Our child to come and future children are lucky to have 4 wonderful grandparents who are healthy and will hopefully be around for a long, long time. Each of the grandparents bring a special quality and zest that I'm thrilled for them to share with our children. I see my father in law as being the "poppee" that sets a Godly example for our kids and teaches them about their cajun heritage, my mother in law "monee" is super nurturing and will always make sure our kid has enough - whether it is food, clothes, toys, love, etc. My dad "Paw Paw" is very energetic and I see him being the Paw Paw that shoots a basketball in the driveway for hours (he did that with my brother) or loads up the car and takes a random road trip, and last but not least, my mom "maw maw" is fun loving, and I see her teaching our children the ability to have fun, be silly and not take life too seriously.

I can't wait for our little baby to arrive to meet Zack and I and everyone that will love him or her (our friends, family, Pierre) We have 31 days until "Go Live Date". I still have lots to do to prepare for baby, so I better get to it!

Sunday, June 30, 2013

{Week 31}

There's been lots of changes and excitement in the Bruce house.

First, Zack is finished Residency! woo-hoo! I'm so terribly proud of my amazingly smart husband. He's spent a lot of time and dedication over the past 3 years (and many years before), and he deserves all the accolades. We had a great weekend of parties, massages, and quality time. The residency program made a congratulatory video for him, which was super cute and a lot of fun ( I hope to be able to post it soon).

Second, Baby Bruce is REALLY growing. At our last growth scan, our little buddy weighed in at 3 lbs 10 oz. That's almost 1 pound more that "normal range" and considered in the 90th percentile for growth.

Thirdly, we're finally made a little headway on the nursery. So far we have a crib, dresser/changer, curtains, walls painted and an idea of bedding. I think we're going with a gray, white and very pale yellow. I can't wait to have a finished product, all set up, organized and ready for the little one.

In other news, I had 2 baby showers. One hosted by my wonderful MIL, and the other by my wonderful friends at work. We received lots of baby goodies, and I've been super occupied playing with our new "toys."

I'm going to try to upload pictures soon as soon as I have some free time.

 Whew! Lots to do before baby arrives. 8 weeks and counting...

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

{Third Trimester - the home stretch}

It's the third trimester; the 7th inning (month) stretch! We're more than excited, and looking forward to the big reveal. Baby is seriously growing, and I actually had a random stranger ask me if I was carrying twins (I mentally vowed to NEVER wear the outfit I was wearing again!)

Baby Updates:

Baby is 27 weeks old, and the size of a cauliflower.

Here's an image of what baby may look like at this time, the only exception is that our baby is not in this position.

Picture of your developing baby

Belly circumference: 34 inches and growing.

Total weight gain: When I weigh in the morning, I've gained 15 lbs. I'm starting to retain a lot of fluid, so my weight fluctuates about 3-5 pounds throughout the course of the day.

Cravings: Still watermelon. In fact, I think I've single-handedly influenced the pricing strategy for watermelon at Albertson's (I hit up the store 3-4 times a week for watermelon, and they've gone up $1 on their melon).

Weird Stuff: Lots of weird stuff happening in the past few weeks. I've never been one to remember my dreams at night; however, every night I'm having crazy dreams. It mostly involves baby stuff or family stuff, and the dreams are usually very, very unrealistic. I also have been flip flopping between being completely disgusted by food to being completely ravenous and eating like an 18 year old boy. I often regret my 18 year old boy food binges because my stomach doesn't have much room to grow, and I get really uncomfortable afterwards.

My wishes for the last trimester: Too many to list! Nesting has kicked in full force, and I'm totally OCD. Unfortunately, my obsessiveness tends to gravitate towards organizing the freezer, rearranging the laundry room, cleaning out my car or making lists. I REALLY need to get to work on the baby room!

I'm most looking forward to: A parenting ABC's class with Zack in 2 weeks. The thought of Zack and I learning to change diapers, feed, burp, bathe, etc., makes me laugh so much. It should be interesting especially since we're both insanely competitive. I'm sure there will be bets taken as to who can change the fastest diaper (I'll win!).

I'm most nervous about: Our birth plan. Bringing a new life into the world is scary business. I'm working on my "game day" play list which hopefully will help to take the edge off.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

{Week 25}

The baby is growing by leaps and bounds. I definitely feel a lot more movement (especially when I'm still - which isn't very often). According to our weekly Baby Center update, Baby Bruce is the size of a rutabaga  (huh?).

(a rutabaga)

Since this is not a veggie common to our diets, we'll just say Baby is supposed to be little over a pound; however, I went to my bi-weekly appointment for a quick ultrasound. The little buddy actually weighs 2.2 lbs. according to our last scan. If he/she keeps growing a this rate, I may give Herman Johnson's mama a run for her money (do we have a future LSU football offensive lineman??? - anything could happen).

We're progressing:

Weeks: 25!

Weight gain: 14 pounds (in my defense, we went on vacation last week. I ate trashy, but it was totally worth it.)

Sleep: We bought a Sleep Number bed, so sleep has been much better and much more comfortable.

Belly Button: Almost out!

Labor signs: I think I felt my first Braxton hicks contraction yesterday.

Accomplishments: I finished my registry and we ordered the crib. Woo-hoo! I can't wait to start setting up the nursery (I'll post pictures of our progress).  We also toured the Woman's Hospital L&D, pre-op/post-op and recovery today, so I feel totally comfortable with the birthing process.

Goals for the week: We get to meet a potential pediatrician! I'm very much looking forward to finding a great doctor for Baby.

What we're singing:
Zack and I had a lot of road trip time in the last week, so we've been singing to baby A LOT. Below are the songs I remember.

Florida Georgia Line - Cruise
Macklemore - Can't Hold Us
Vanilla Ice - Ice, Ice Baby
Sheryl Crow - Soak up the sun (my mom got in on the action on that one)
Free - All right now (I was rocking out to that one this afternoon). Every time I hear this song, it makes me feel like I should be at a wedding reception.
Coming Soon - Nursery prep!

Thursday, May 2, 2013

{Old wives club}

I'm obsessed with Old Wives Tales. I've pretty much tried everything from the Chinese Gender Predictor to the over the belly ring swing. Here are my results:

1. Low vs. High: Apparently, if you carry low, it's a boy, and if you carry high it's a girl. I can't really tell if I'm high or low, but here's a shot of the belly - to me my belly seems middle of the road (not too high, not too low).

2. Lub dub: Legends say that the pitter patter of the baby's heart rate can also be used to predict gender. Faster means girl, and slower means boy. When we went to our first ultrasound, the heart rate was 171 BPM. At my last visit the heart rate was 145, so it went from really fast, to slow.

3. Sweet Thing: I'm craving watermelon (which equates to girl), but I also want chips (which equates to boy).

4. Zack's belly: This wives tale is a bit strange, but fun. If your husband gains weight, you're having a girl. If he doesn't gain weight, you're having a boy. Zack actually lost weight. I wonder what that means?? Maybe we're having a stormtrooper (Zack would love that - shout out to Star Wars day on May 4th)!

While the wives tales are fun for trying to predict gender, I'm certain there's a 50/50 chance we're having a girl or a boy!


How far along: 23 weeks and 3 days
Weight gain: 12 lbs
Stretch marks: Nope!
Belly out: Yes, and belly button is still looking weird. I love when people rub my belly especially when it's sweet older ladies who also usually share advice concerning the height of my shoe heel, local anesthesia and/or my decision to breast feed.
Cravings: Watermelon. Hydrating, with a low glycemic load. I'd say its a winner!
Looking forward to: Going to the beach next week. It will be Baby Bruce's first beach trip :)
Miss anything: My skinny jeans, but it's a small price to pay for a really big reward.
Songs we're singing to baby this week:
Home - Phillip Phillips - My pick
Jack Johnson Medley- Better Together (extra special because it was our wedding song), Upside Down, Banana Pancakes (favorite lyric "Halaka ukulele mama made a baby") -  Zack's pick

Coming soon: Beach trip, hospital tours and pediatrician shopping.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

{Pregnancy Hormones Ain't nobody got time fa dat!}

So, I never realized how cray cray pregnancy could make one feel. It's definitely a roller coaster of emotions, but it will all be worth it in the end once the baby is here. I owe Zack a big present for dealing with me the past 22 weeks, and for the next 18!!

Speaking of 22, we're 22 weeks along!

This week the baby is the size of a spaghetti squash.

Total weight gain: I've been retaining lots of water the past few weeks, but my overall weight gain is 11 lbs.
Maternity clothes: I bought a few more pairs of pants which I'm loving. I think I can get away with most of my tops. I also purchased a Bella Band - which has been amazing.
Stretch marks: None yet, I'm staying heavily moisturized, and I started making my own soap to reduce exposure to chemicals that may dry out skin.
*My soap recipe is listed below.
Movement: Lots and lots of movement. It's so special, and I love feeling every little kick and flutter.
Belly button in or out: It's in a weird position - not totally in and not out - it looks wild!
Looking forward to: My next OB appointment - scheduled for May 2.
Best Moment: Zack and I started a tradition this week. Every night one of us has to pick a song to sing to the baby, the other person can not judge or change the song choice and we have to sing the song in it's entirety from start to finish. So far, we've sung the following:
I knew I loved you before I met you - Savage Garden - Zack's choice (no judgment -ha!)
Mirrors - Justin Timberlake - my choice
Home - Michael Buble and Blake Shelton duet  - Zack's choice
I think we're going to sing Home by Phillip Phillips tonight - my choice

We didn't get to complete a full week due to Zack's on-call schedule, but I'll post the songs we sing as we go through rest of pregnancy. It's pretty funny because both of us are terrible singers, but its good for the baby to hear our voice, and I'm sure he/she doesn't mind.  Baby Bruce really enjoyed the music in church today - especially How Great Thou Art - there was lots of "praise kicking" during that song :)

*Homemade Soap Recipe:

16 ounces of glycerin (glycerin is a great soap base. Its also an excellent skin moisturizer, promotes skin elasticity and promotes skin regeneration for any bruising or swelling of the skin. It's also best for people with sensitive skin and babies/children.)
1/2 cup oatmeal (I use Quaker oats)
2 tablespoons local honey
a few drop of your favorite essential oil (I use lavender)

Melt glycerin on low heat setting- don't stir too often or the soap will become waxy. It take about 10-15 minutes to melt on the stove.

Once the soap is melted, stir in honey and essential oil.

Stir in oatmeal. Because of the weight of the oatmeal, it will sink. Wait a few minutes for the oatmeal to become suspended before pouring into a soap mold or pan. I prefer to use a soap mold (my mom gave me a set of oval and square molds that work really well - you can purchase a soap mold at a local craft store).

Let the soap sit out over night before removing from the mold.

After 24 hours, remove the soap, wrap individually with either craft paper or cling wrap, and store in a cool, dry place. Enjoy it, and share with your friends and family!

Monday, April 15, 2013


Yesterday marked the official closing of Baton Rouge's only charity hospital system - Earl K. Long {lovingly referred to as EKL, aka. "the earl"}.

EKL means a lot of things to a long list of people including former patients, prisoners, medical staff, residents and the Baton Rouge community. Zack has made this hospital a second home (sometimes spending more time there than at home - all for good reason) over the past 3 years. He always came back with the most entertaining stories, but my favorite EKL story is OUR story.

In 2009, Zack was in his 4th year of med school at LSU New Orleans. As part of his med school requirements, he was to spend most of his 4th year rotating though different residency programs as an Acting Intern (AI). During this time he and I (through a series of events - another story for another day, let's just say we wouldn't be married if Zack hadn't made a seemingly offensive comment and I hadn't chosen to "put him on blast" about it) had been having back and forth communication.

In October 2009, lucky for me, Zack did an AI medicine month at EKL. Lucky for me again, while he was in BR we also decided to have coffee at one of my favorite places.

Coffee Call on College, Dr. 

We really hit it off and had an ease of communication that I rarely find with anyone else. We spent the rest of his month in BR hanging out as friends when we were available and getting to know each other. He moved away for a few months, and all the while, we kept up communication, met a halfway points, and continued to develop an awesome friendship. During this time Zack had been interviewing basically all over the country for a residency. In my mind I had psyched myself up  to believe that I would be road tripping to visit my friend, who was more than a friend, in Jacksonville, Birmingham or Rochester.

In March 2013, we went to Match Day - I refer to it as one of the best days ever. I'm typically not a person who focuses on the importance of days, but Match Day was one of those pivotal days I now use to measure life before and after. It was the day that sealed our relationship and allowed us to live out the rest of our lives.

Match Day is the day 4th year medical students find out where they're going to residency training for the next 3+ years. Having never participated in a ceremony like this before, I found it quite interesting. Basically, we were in a room full of family and friends of everyone in Zack's graduating class, and one by one (it's so torturous) each med student was called up and handed an envelope. Inside the envelop is the name of the place where the student will go to residency (there's a tedious process leading up to this, but I'll spare the details).

Never in all of humanity has anyone ever been more excited to hear the words "I'm going to Baton Rouge, I'm going to Earl K. Long" than me! When Zack opened his envelope, I felt like the kid on Christmas Story who finally got the Red Ryder BB Gun.

After Match Day, our relationship kicked into high gear, and we went from "more than friend, friends" to dating to engaged a lightening speed - looking back it was very fast, but when you know, you know. My husband in all his nostalgia asked me to marry him after we ate beignets at the Coffee Call - the spot of our first "meet up." How cute, and not predictable - in fact I had my hair in a messy bun, nasty old shorts on and no make up, but the most beautiful ring on my finger and the most handsome man in my life.

A year to the date past Match Day (+/- a few days) we were married, and settled into life together.
Then one day Zack said "why don't we have a baby." My first response was "because we're not baby people." Followed by "we barely have time for things we need to do now" Followed by "you're a Resident and I'm a young professional = we're poor- Ha!"   After some coercing, we decided to go with it and started "trying." After about 8-10 months of "trying" we decided to put the idea on hold and focus on other goals. Plus we have the cutest little dog, Pierre, our daschund terrier who purposed himself as our pet/child.

My mom always told me, "when you least expect things, that's when things happen." Well, that statement came true. I'm not sure if the holiday cheer of the EKL Christmas party made magic happen, but about 3 weeks after that party we found out we were pregnant.

And here we are now...

Without the LSU/Baton Rouge IM residency program, who knows where Zack and I would be now.  We've never been happier or luckier, and can't wait spend the next 1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 80 years continuing to write this story.

Sorry for the long post, but I want to remember this to be able to share with our baby and I forget things easily.

{RIP EKL, "the earl", "the 2 tin cans",  and the setting for our story}

Sunday, April 14, 2013

{hallelujah, we're halfway!}

This week, we're halfway through pregnancy. We've made it 20 weeks!  Baby Bruce made it halfway!

We had our 2nd trimester ultrasound, and he/she is looking BEAUTIFUL. Zack was able to get the afternoon off to see our baby, and even the Grandma's were able to take a peak at their future grand baby.

We also started working on the spare bedroom. For the last 2 years this room has been a junk room filled with things we didn't really want to get rid of yet didn't really have a purpose. Finally, this room has a purpose, and it will become the baby's room.

We decided to go with a light beige for the room. Since we're not finding out baby's gender, it's the easiest color to accessorize around. Most of our house is painted in deep, rich colors, so choosing beige was out of my comfort zone.

Zack did most of the painting because he's super protective about me being around smells, chemicals, etc. I think he's suffering from a post painting hangover, and prays that we don't ever paint another room in this house!

{Phase I - going from dark tan to a very light beige}

{Phase II - first coat}

{Phase III - second coat's done!}
There will be a Phase IV because we need to do trim work, my favorite!
Making Progress:
How far along: 20 weeks and 6 days
Total Weight gain: 10 lbs
Movement: YES!!!! The movements are becoming more and more frequent. We have a kicker who also likes to party all night.
Belly: I still look like I ate too many carbs, but it's definitely starting to pop. I'm in the awkward phase, and I'm ready for the belly to pop to avoid all the "oh, you're pregnant - I thought you looked bigger" ha!
Looking forward to: Baby hiccups
Cravings: Zack and I have been trying to eat clean, but I gave in last night. My supper consisted of On the Borders chips and salsa, watermelon and a cup of cookies and cream ice cream.

Sunday, March 31, 2013

{2nd Trimester Boredom Busters}

We're at week 18 and counting. The counting is going very slowly. I never realized how boring the 2nd trimester would be for us. We're past the excitement of telling everyone we love our big news, but the countdown to birthday seems so far away.

In my bored state, I've come up with a few 2nd trimester boredom busters.

1. Start nursery planning. Zack and I have been scouting cribs. So far we've visited BabiesRUs and Pottery Barn. We haven't found "the one" yet. However, we do have one piece of furniture for the baby nursery. It's a beautiful dresser from Discoveries in Hammond. For those who may not know,  Discoveries has very unique, rustic statement pieces. To view their stuff click here.

Baby Bruce's New Vintage Dresser - which will also double as a changing table.

2. Buy Stuff for the baby. We're not finding out gender, and I'm not a huge fan of most shades of yellow or green, but we have been purchasing outfits for Baby Bruce.

3. Argue with your husband about baby names (jokingly, of course). Between Zack and I, we've vetoed any names after cities, towns, states, celestial beings or anything ending in a "y" or "ie" sound. The baby name game  may keep us busy up until the baby is born!

How far along: 18 weeks 6 days
Bump: I'm very much bumping! I went to bed one night with no bump, and the next morning it looked like I swallowed a melon.
Clothing: I've retired my jeans, and I'm almost ready to bust out the maternity gear!
Miss anything: Not really.
Movement: YES!!!! Only when I'm very still, but the baby is definitely moving.
Sweet treat of the week: Since it's Easter, I think I've eaten my weight in Peanut Butter Eggs.
Food aversions: It changes daily.
Shout-outs: My parents and Zack's parents. Thanks for buying Baby Bruce's first piece of furniture. You guys are the best grandparents ever.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

{hey, hey pretty baby}

I know I haven't posted since my first post. Now that I'm past the 1st trimester, and well into my 2nd, I have new found energy, and commit to documenting the rest of my pregnancy.

Zack and I recently celebrated our 2 year anniversary on March 12. It was very special because not only are we celebrating 2 years of a wonderfully successful marriage, but we also have a soon to be new addition to our family. We received the best anniversary present because my checkup was scheduled for March 12, and we got to see Baby Bruce via ultrasound.

It's amazing how much the baby grows between ultrasounds. After this last photo shoot, I really think we're going to have a cool kid.

In the first shot of our baby, he/she was propped up with his/her legs crossed at the ankles and hand behind the head - just chillin in mama's belly.

In the second shot - a great profile view he/she was waving at the camera! Zack and I are both camera shy, but Baby Bruce seems to love the camera already.

How far along: 17 weeks 2 days
Anticipated date of arrival: August 26, 2013
Bump: The bump is steady growing. If I get brave enough, I'll add a bump picture soon!
Clothing: My sweet mother in law bought me some maternity pieces. I can't wait to wear them, but I'm holding on to my regular clothing for now. I know once you go maternity, there's no turning back.
Miss anything: I miss sleeping. Baby Bruce and hormones are keeping me awake at night.
Movement: YES!!!! I started feeling movement Sunday night.
Sweet treat of the week: Chocolate Marscarpone Mousse. It's delicious.
Food aversions: Not really. I'll pretty much eat anything in sight.
Exercise: I'm trying to stay fit and healthy with cardio training 3-4 days per week, lots of stretching and functional training using core strength and therabands.
Shout-outs: Zack - thanks for 2 wonderful years of marriage, and I look forward to many, many more.

Coming soon! - Another ultrasound (scheduled in April) and nursery planning.

Friday, January 18, 2013

{we're expecting!}

2012 ended on a high note when Zack and I found out we were pregnant 2 days before Christmas :). It was the best.present.EVER!

As of today, I am 8 weeks 4 days pregnant. I plan to track my pregnancy highlights so I have something to remember in the future. The fetal brain drain is killer - and it's only 8 weeks!

How far along: 8 weeks 4 days
Anticipated date of arrival: August 26, 2013
Total weight gain/loss: nothing yet
Miss anything: My morning cup of coffee - so very, very missed.
Movement: Nothing I can feel, but I did see Baby's t-rex arm nubs moving in the ultrasound! It was really sweet.
Food cravings: Kleinpeter plain vanilla ice cream
Food aversions: Almost everything (depending on the day) - sometimes even the thought of certain foods makes me feel sick.
Showing yet: Nope - but I'm ready to have a belly
Shout-outs: to my husband,without you, we wouldn't be having a baby, and to Christmas parties, the reason why do many people have August birthdays! Ha.

Coming soon: 12 week ultrasound and baby bump tracker!